Traction Hook

About this product

The Traction Hook (#51961-60190), a crucial body part in the Suspension Crossmember & Under Cover system of Toyota vehicles, plays a key role in enhancing the vehicle's stability and grip on the road. This part works by engaging with the suspension system to distribute weight evenly, thereby improving traction. The Traction Hook (#51961-60190) is not a permanent fixture and needs replacement over time. If left unattended, an aged or damaged Traction Hook (#51961-60190) can compromise the vehicle's handling, escalating the risk of road mishaps. Toyota's genuine parts, such as the Traction Hook (#51961-60190), are optimal for vehicle compatibility. These parts are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, offering the promise of quality and peace of mind. In conclusion, the Traction Hook (#51961-60190) is indispensable for the Suspension Crossmember & Under Cover system's efficiency and safety, securing a smooth and stable driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 51961-60190

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