Transport Hook Rear Left Hand

About this product

The Transport Hook Rear Left Hand (#51968-0E040), a key body part of the Suspension Crossmember & Under Cover system in Toyota vehicles, plays a vital role in maintaining stability during transit. This hook anchors the crossmember to the vehicle body, ensuring robust support and minimizing vibration and movement whilst on the move. The use of genuine Toyota parts, such as the Transport Hook Rear Left Hand (#51968-0E040), is crucial for vehicle compatibility and performance. Moreover, these genuine parts are backed by Toyota's authentic parts warranty. Over time, the Transport Hook Rear Left Hand (#51968-0E040) may wear out or even break due to continuous exposure to weight and friction. If this happens, it can compromise the stability of the vehicle, leading to potential safety risks. Hence, periodic replacement is recommended. In conclusion, a well-maintained Transport Hook Rear Left Hand (#51968-0E040) significantly contributes to the overall safety and efficiency of the vehicle by providing consistent support and stability.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 51968-0E040

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