
About this product

The Hose (#90445-12284), a vital Engine-Fuel component in the Vacuum Piping system, plays a crucial role in managing the flow of fuel to the engine. As fuel gets pumped, the Hose (#90445-12284) directs it to the engine, ensuring optimal performance. Over time, the Hose (#90445-12284) may age, become clogged or broken, affecting engine efficiency, fuel economy, and potentially cause hazardous leaks. Therefore, regular replacement is essential for the safety and longevity of the vehicle. We recommend the use of Toyota's genuine parts, which are specifically designed for compatibility with your vehicle and backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. For a comprehensive maintenance solution, consider replacing related components like the fuel filter and pump during Hose (#90445-12284) replacement, for enhanced engine function and fuel efficiency.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90445-12284

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