
About this product

The Hose (#90445-21006) is a vital Engine-Fuel part situated within the Engine Oil Cooler system of your Toyota. This part has the primary role of conducting engine oil, which has been cooled, back to the engine. As the engine operates, the Hose (#90445-21006) allows for the continuous flow of cooled oil, thus maintaining the engine's optimal temperature and performance. However, like any other vehicle component, the Hose (#90445-21006) is subject to wear and tear. Aging, clogging, or damage to the part could impede the proper flow of oil, leading to potential overheating and engine damage. Therefore, it is crucial to have it checked and replaced periodically. Using genuine parts such as Toyota's Hose (#90445-21006) ensures perfect compatibility with your vehicle and is backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In this way, the Hose (#90445-21006) substantially contributes to the overall efficiency and safety of your vehicle's engine system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90445-21006

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