Actuator Hose

About this product

The Actuator Hose (#17294-28010), a vital Engine-Fuel part in the Toyota Manifold system, plays a pivotal role in controlling the flow of engine fuel for efficient combustion. This hose is intricately designed to respond to electronic signals from the engine control unit (ECU), thereby appropriately adjusting fuel flow. Over time, the Actuator Hose (#17294-28010) may wear, become clogged, or fail entirely, resulting in inefficient fuel usage or potential engine damage. Replacing it with genuine Toyota parts can maintain optimum vehicle compatibility and performance, while also receiving the benefits of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In the grand scheme of the engine system, a well-functioning Actuator Hose (#17294-28010) contributes to overall fuel efficiency and ensures the safety of engine operation. Thus, maintaining it in good condition is essential for a smooth, efficient ride.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 17294-28010

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