Air Hose

About this product

The Air Hose (#17341-WAA03), a critical component in the Engine-Fuel Manifold and Vacuum Piping systems, plays a pivotal role in managing air intake and fuel mixture. This part establishes the right balance between air and fuel, facilitating optimal combustion, thus contributing significantly to engine performance and overall fuel efficiency. The Air Hose (#17341-WAA03)'s functionality can diminish over time due to wear and tear, clogging, or breakages, leading to potential engine malfunctions, reduced fuel efficiency or even complete engine failure. Therefore, periodic replacement of the Air Hose (#17341-WAA03) is essential. When seeking a new Air Hose (#17341-WAA03), opting for genuine Toyota parts is a wise decision. Genuine Toyota parts offer superior compatibility with your vehicle and come with the added reassurance of Toyota's genuine parts warranty, providing you with quality you can trust. In summary, the Air Hose (#17341-WAA03) is a vital part that contributes to the smooth operation and longevity of your engine, making its maintenance crucial for your vehicle's overall efficiency and safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 17341-WAA03

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