Air Hose #2

About this product

The Air Hose #2 (#17342-0Y040), a critical Drive-Chassis component in the Brake Booster & Vacuum Tube system of Toyota vehicles, plays a fundamental role in maintaining the braking efficiency. It works by channeling vacuum pressure from the engine to the brake booster, thereby aiding in the application of the brakes. Specific components like check valves might be incorporated within the hose to prevent backflow. Over time, the air hose may deteriorate, become clogged or even rupture, leading to compromised braking performance. This highlights the need for its periodic replacement using genuine Toyota parts for perfect compatibility and adherence to Toyota's genuine parts warranty. When the air hose is in good working condition, it greatly contributes to the overall safety and performance of the braking system, ensuring smooth and effortless brake application.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 17342-0Y040

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