Air Hose Assembly

About this product

The Air Hose Assembly (#17030-50070) is a critical component in the Engine-Fuel category, specifically within the Vacuum Piping system of a Toyota vehicle. This part plays a significant role in maintaining optimal air-fuel mixture by controlling the flow of air through the fuel system. It contains a variety of components, including connectors, clamps, and the hose itself which work together to effectively transport air. Over time, this assembly may become worn out or clogged, which can severely affect the performance of your engine. When this happens, it's crucial to replace it with a genuine Toyota part. Not only is it designed for compatibility with your vehicle, but it's also backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. A functioning Air Hose Assembly (#17030-50070) improves the efficiency of your vehicle's engine, reducing fuel consumption and emissions. It also contributes to the overall safety by preventing engine malfunctions caused by a poor air-fuel mixture.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 17030-50070

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