Auxiliary Air Valve Hose #1

About this product

The Auxiliary Air Valve Hose #1 (#22233-35010), a critical component in the Engine-Fuel category, plays a pivotal role in the Fuel Injection System. Its primary function is to manage and direct the flow of auxiliary air which optimizes engine performance during cold starts. Comprising this essential part are mechanisms that ensure precision in controlling air flow. Genuine Toyota Autoparts are designed for optimal vehicle compatibility and come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. It's vital to replace the Auxiliary Air Valve Hose #1 (#22233-35010) periodically, as an aged or clogged hose can impede air flow, leading to inefficient fuel combustion and potentially compromising engine performance. In conclusion, a well-functioning Auxiliary Air Valve Hose #1 (#22233-35010) ensures not only the efficiency of the Fuel Injection System but also contributes significantly to the overall performance and safety of the vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 22233-35010

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