Breather Hose

About this product

The Breather Hose (#95312-13016), a key Body part in the Fuel Tank & Tube system, serves a vital role in your Toyota vehicle. It allows for the safe venting of gases from the fuel tank and prevents pressure build-up that could risk damage to the tank. When the vehicle is in operation, the Breather Hose (#95312-13016) works with related components, including the fuel cap and tank, to manage fuel vapors. Using a genuine Toyota Breather Hose (#95312-13016) guarantees compatibility with your vehicle and is supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, this part may need replacement due to age, clogging, or breakage. Failure to do so can lead to a pressurized fuel system, potentially causing leaks, and compromising safety. By maintaining a healthy Breather Hose (#95312-13016), the Fuel Tank & Tube system operates more efficiently, ensuring your vehicle's safety and performance.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 95312-13016

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