Camera Cleaner Hose

About this product

The Camera Cleaner Hose (#867F2-62080), an integral component in Toyota's rear washer system, plays a pivotal role in maintaining visibility through the rear camera. This electrical part works by channeling washer fluid to cleanse the camera lens, ensuring it remains free from dirt and grime. As with any vehicle part, the Camera Cleaner Hose (#867F2-62080) can deteriorate over time. Aging, damage, or blockages can impede the flow of washer fluid, leading to a compromised rear view. It is thus crucial to replace this part periodically. Opting for genuine Toyota parts not only ensures perfect compatibility with your vehicle but is also covered by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Camera Cleaner Hose (#867F2-62080) enhances safety by ensuring clear rear visibility, contributing to the overall efficiency and safety of your vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 867F2-62080

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