Hose Clamp 48

About this product

The Toyota Hose Clamp 48 (#SU003-02174) is a critical Engine-Fuel part in the Air Cleaner system. This component's primary role is to secure hoses in place, preventing any leakage of air or fuel that could disrupt the engine's optimal performance. When functioning properly, it provides a tight seal that aids in maintaining the pressure within these lines. However, like all parts, it can wear out over time. A degraded or broken hose clamp may compromise the air-fuel mixture, leading to inefficient combustion and decreased performance. Therefore, periodic replacement is vital. Genuine Toyota parts are designed to work seamlessly with your vehicle and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Hose Clamp 48 (#SU003-02174), while small, plays a significant role in the overall efficiency and safety of your car's engine by maintaining proper air and fuel flow.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-02174

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