Hose Clp-19.7

About this product

The Hose Clp-19.7 (#SU003-07931) is a key component in the Drive-Chassis category, playing a crucial role in the Oil Cooler & Tube (Automatic Transmission) system of your Toyota vehicle. This part is responsible for safely conveying transmission fluid to the cooler, maintaining optimal temperature for efficient functionality. As a genuine Toyota part, it ensures seamless integration and compatibility with your vehicle and is backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, this hose may get clogged or damaged. This can cause the transmission fluid to be inadequately cooled, leading to overheating and subsequent mechanical failure. Thus, periodic replacement is vital for maintaining performance and safety standards. In essence, the Hose Clp-19.7 (#SU003-07931) contributes substantially to the overall system's efficiency, ensuring that your vehicle's transmission operates smoothly and reliably.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-07931

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