Fuel Hose

About this product

The Fuel Hose (#95334-06010), a critical component of Toyota's Body Fuel Tank & Tube system and Engine-Fuel Fuel Injection System, is tasked with transferring fuel from the tank to the engine. This genuine Toyota part, backed by the company's authentic parts warranty, is designed for perfect compatibility with your vehicle. The Fuel Hose (#95334-06010) operates by directing fuel under pressure to the engine's combustion chamber. However, this part does not last forever. An old, clogged, or damaged Fuel Hose (#95334-06010) can impair this flow, leading to inefficient combustion or even causing potential safety issues like leaks or fires. Accordingly, periodic replacement is crucial to maintain optimal vehicle performance. In conclusion, the Fuel Hose (#95334-06010)'s crucial role in fuel delivery makes it an integral part of your vehicle's efficiency and safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 23100-19255;23100-19256
Part Number 95334-06010

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