Fuel Vapor Hose

About this product

The Fuel Vapor Hose (#95326-07014), a crucial component in Toyota's Fuel Tank & Tube system, primarily serves to transport fuel vapors from the fuel tank to the engine for combustion. This process helps reduce harmful emissions and contributes to the vehicle's efficiency. Comprising this system are fuel lines, vapor lines, and pressure sensors that intricately work together to ensure the proper transfer and storage of fuel vapors. Like any component, the Fuel Vapor Hose (#95326-07014) requires periodic replacement due to wear and tear. Neglecting to replace an old or clogged hose could cause a buildup of pressure, leading to fuel leaks and increased pollution. Authentic Toyota parts are recommended to maintain vehicle compatibility and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In sum, this part plays a significant role in ensuring the safety and efficiency of your Toyota vehicle by effectively managing fuel vapors.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 90445-12120
Part Number 95326-07014

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