Fuel Vapor Hose

About this product

As a vital Engine-Fuel part, the Fuel Vapor Hose (#95328-07017) operates within the Vacuum Piping system in your Toyota vehicle. This component primarily functions to channel fuel vapors from the fuel tank to the engine, thereby preventing the vapors from escaping into the atmosphere. By doing so, this hose plays a key role in ensuring the efficiency of the fuel system and reducing harmful emissions. Like all parts, the Fuel Vapor Hose (#95328-07017) requires periodic replacement. As it ages, the hose can become clogged, broken, or non-functional. This can lead to reduced engine performance, increased fuel consumption, or even potential safety hazards such as fuel leaks. Always choose genuine Toyota Autoparts for the best vehicle compatibility. These authentic parts are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, offering peace of mind and reliable performance for your vehicle. In conclusion, the Fuel Vapor Hose (#95328-07017) not only contributes to the efficiency of your vehicle's fuel system, but also plays a crucial role in maintaining environmental standards and overall vehicular safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 95328-07017

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