Headlamp Cleaner Hose B

About this product

The Headlamp Cleaner Hose B (#85276-53060), an electrical component in Toyota's headlamp cleaning system, plays a critical role in maintaining clear lighting on the road. This hose facilitates the flow of the cleaning fluid, ensuring the headlamp's optimal performance and clarity. Authentic, Toyota-authorized parts such as this are essential for vehicle compatibility and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Aging, clogging, or damage to the Headlamp Cleaner Hose B (#85276-53060) could lead to diminished visibility due to lack of efficient cleaning. Regular replacement is thus recommended to avoid potential safety hazards during low visibility conditions. By maintaining the cleanliness and clarity of the vehicle's headlamps, the Headlamp Cleaner Hose B (#85276-53060) directly contributes to the overall safety and performance of the Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 85276-53060

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