Headlamp Cleane Hose

About this product

The Headlamp Cleaner Hose, an important Electrical part in a Toyota vehicle, primarily functions within the Headlamp Cleaner system. It plays a pivotal role in delivering cleaning fluid to the headlamps, ensuring clear visibility for drivers. The hose works in conjunction with the reservoir and pump, which supplies the cleaning fluid. Over time, the hose may deteriorate, become clogged, or even break, affecting the headlamp cleaning process. This could lead to a buildup of dirt on the headlamps, compromising visibility and safety. Regular replacement of the hose is therefore crucial to maintain the optimal functioning of the headlamp cleaner system. By using genuine Toyota parts, compatibility with your vehicle is maintained and the parts are covered by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, the Headlamp Cleaner Hose is vital for efficient and safe vehicle operation, contributing to clear visibility and safe driving conditions.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 85375-14150;85377-22070
Part Number 85276-60180

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