Intercooler Cooling Water Inlet Hose

About this product

The Intercooler Cooling Water Inlet Hose (#165A1-77010), an electrical part in the Fcv Cooling system, has a vital role in an engine's function. This hose transfers coolant to the intercooler, where it reduces the temperature of the hot pressurized air before it enters the engine. This process enhances engine efficiency and performance. The Intercooler Cooling Water Inlet Hose (#165A1-77010), like any other automotive component, requires occasional replacement. Over time, wear and tear can lead to a blocked or ruptured hose. This can lead to insufficient cooling of the compressed air, reducing engine performance, and potentially causing engine damage. Genuine Toyota parts, such as the Intercooler Cooling Water Inlet Hose (#165A1-77010), are recommended due to their superior compatibility with your vehicle. Moreover, they are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Using genuine parts contributes significantly to the overall efficiency and safety of your vehicle's cooling system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 165A1-77010

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