Motor Cooling Hose #3

About this product

The Motor Cooling Hose #3 (#G1273-48030), a critical component in the Inverter Cooling system, plays a pivotal role in maintaining a vehicle's electrical operations. Genuine Toyota parts like this one are designed for optimum compatibility with your vehicle and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In operation, this hose circulates coolant to keep the motor temperature in check. However, over time, the hose can become worn or clogged which hampers the cooling process, potentially leading to overheating and serious damage to the electrical system. Replacing this part as needed is therefore crucial. By maintaining a stable motor temperature, the Motor Cooling Hose #3 (#G1273-48030) not only preserves the integrity of the electrical system but also enhances overall vehicle efficiency and safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number G1273-48030

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