Oil Cooler Inlet Hose

About this product

The Oil Cooler Inlet Hose (#32941-47010), a vital Drive-Chassis part in the Oil Cooler & Tube (Hv Or Ev Or Fcv) system, plays a fundamental role in cooling your Toyota vehicle's engine. It transports the engine oil from the engine to the oil cooler, allowing the heat to be effectively dissipated before the oil is cycled back into the engine. This process is critical for maintaining optimal engine temperature and preventing overheating. However, like all parts, this hose is subject to wear and tear. Over time, it can become old, clogged or even broken, impeding the flow of oil and potentially causing the engine to overheat. This can lead to significant engine damage. Therefore, periodic replacement of the Oil Cooler Inlet Hose (#32941-47010) is essential. Remember, using genuine Toyota parts not only ensures compatibility with your vehicle but is also backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, the Oil Cooler Inlet Hose (#32941-47010) is a critical component in maintaining the efficiency and safety of your Toyota vehicle's oil cooling system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 32941-47010

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