Hose Reservior #4

About this product

The Hose Reservior #4 (#47237-47020), a vital Drive-Chassis part in the Brake Master Cylinder system, plays an integral role in maintaining the car's braking efficiency. This component regulates hydraulic fluid levels, ensuring smooth operation of the braking system. Over time, however, this part may become clogged, broken, or non-functional. When this happens, the braking system's efficacy can significantly reduce, leading to potential safety issues. We recommend regular replacement with genuine Toyota parts, not only for optimal vehicle compatibility but also because they are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. By maintaining a functional Hose Reservior #4 (#47237-47020), the Brake Master Cylinder system, and therefore the overall vehicle, operates at higher safety and efficiency levels.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 47237-47020

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