Front Axle Breather Hose Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Front Axle Breather Hose Sub-Assembly (#43209-60011) is a key component in the Front Axle Housing & Differential system. This Drive-Chassis part plays a vital role in maintaining the pressure balance within the axle housing. It allows the differential and axle to breathe, preventing air pressure buildup which can lead to oil leaks or seal damage. Using genuine Toyota parts like this one ensures optimal compatibility and performance. Genuine parts are also covered by Toyota's parts warranty, offering reassurance for customers. Over time, the breather hose can become clogged or damaged. If this happens, the pressure regulation can be disrupted, leading to potential damage to the axle housing seals or even oil leakage. Therefore, regular inspection and replacement is necessary. By aiding in the prevention of potential leaks and seal damage, the Front Axle Breather Hose Sub-Assembly (#43209-60011) significantly contributes to the overall efficiency and safety of your vehicle's drive system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 43209-60011

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