Water Hose Sub-Assembly

The Water Hose Sub-Assembly (#8720947030), a crucial component in Toyota's Electrical/Heating & Air Conditioning - Water Piping systems, has a primary function of regulating the flow of coolant between the engine and the radiator. As the engine operates, it produces heat; the Water Hose Sub-Assembly (#8720947030) transfers coolant to and from the engine, keeping it from overheating. Over time, aging and wear can cause this hose to become clogged or ruptured, impairing its ability to effectively cool the engine. This can lead to overheating and potential engine damage, emphasizing the need for periodic replacement. Toyota's genuine parts, including the Water Hose Sub-Assembly (#8720947030), conform perfectly with your vehicle and come with a genuine parts warranty. A well-functioning Water Hose Sub-Assembly (#8720947030) is vital to the overall efficiency of your vehicle's heating and cooling system, contributing to the safety and optimal operation of your Toyota car.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 87209-47030

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