Throttle Body Hose

About this product

The Throttle Body Hose (#22231-35011), an integral part in the Engine-Fuel category, serves a vital role within the Air Cleaner system. It functions by delivering air to the throttle body, contributing to the accurate blend of air and fuel necessary for optimal engine performance. Genuine Toyota Autoparts are built for compatibility, and our Throttle Body Hose (#22231-35011) is no exception. Should the Throttle Body Hose (#22231-35011) become clogged, old or broken, the air-fuel mixture could be compromised, leading to decreases in performance and potential engine damage. Therefore, periodic replacement is fundamental to maintain your Toyota's health. Toyota's genuine parts warranty backs all our parts, including the Throttle Body Hose (#22231-35011). In conclusion, by ensuring the correct air-fuel blend, the Throttle Body Hose (#22231-35011) is crucial to the efficient operation and overall safety of your vehicle's Engine-Fuel system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 22231-35010
Part Number 22231-35011

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