Water Hose

About this product

The Water Hose (#87245-06D80), a crucial part of the Toyota Drive-Chassis Oil Cooler & Tube and Engine-Fuel Radiator & Water Outlet systems, serves a vital role by transporting coolant to keep the engine from overheating. During operation, the Water Hose (#87245-06D80) cycles coolant from the radiator, across the engine block, back to the radiator. Its efficient operation is necessary for optimal performance and engine longevity. Over time, these hoses may degrade, become clogged or break. If this happens, coolant cannot flow, leading to engine overheating and potential severe damage. Hence, regular inspection and replacement of the Water Hose (#87245-06D80) are essential. Using genuine Toyota parts enhances vehicle compatibility and they come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, a well-functioning Water Hose (#87245-06D80) is integral to the overall efficiency and safety of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 87245-06D80

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