Water Hose

About this product

The Water Hose (#99555-30280), an Engine-Fuel part within the Engine Oil Cooler system, plays a crucial role in maintaining your vehicle's optimal performance. As part of the cooling system, the Water Hose (#99555-30280) transfers coolant fluid between the engine and the radiator, helping to keep the engine temperature in check. Genuine Toyota Water Hose (#99555-30280)s are designed specifically for compatibility with your vehicle, providing dependable and efficient cooling. However, over time, hoses can become old, clogged or broken, which can hinder the flow of coolant. This could lead to engine overheating, potentially causing significant damage. Regular replacement of the Water Hose (#99555-30280) is therefore necessary, and with Toyota's genuine parts warranty, you can have peace of mind with every replacement. Remember, a functional Water Hose (#99555-30280) contributes significantly to the overall efficiency and safety of your vehicle's engine cooling system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 99553-30280;99553-30210;99555-30210
Part Number 99555-30280

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