Water By-Passenger Hose #7

About this product

The Water By-Passenger Hose #7 (#16295-50110), a crucial component in Toyota's Engine-Fuel Injection and Radiator & Water Outlet system, manages the flow of coolant. It diverts excess coolant away from the engine, preventing overheating and maintaining optimal operating conditions. This component works in conjunction with other parts like the radiator, thermostat, and water pump. Periodic replacement of this hose is vital to its performance since an aged, clogged, or broken hose can lead to coolant leakage or blockage, risking engine overheating and subsequent damage. Genuine Toyota parts are specifically designed for vehicle compatibility and are covered by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, the Water By-Passenger Hose #7 (#16295-50110) is a small but essential part in the cooling system, contributing significantly to the overall efficiency of the vehicle and ensuring safe driving conditions.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 16295-50110

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