Starter Housing Assembly

About this product

The Starter Housing Assembly (#28110-16020), an essential Engine-Fuel part in the Starter system, is at the heart of your Toyota's ignition process. It serves a vital role by encasing and protecting the crucial components that initiate the engine's starting process. Genuine Toyota Starter Housing Assemblies are particularly beneficial due to their perfect compatibility with your vehicle, maximizing functionality and longevity. Gradual wear and tear can cause these components to age, become clogged or even broken. If non-functional, it can prevent the engine from igniting, resulting in a non-starting vehicle. Timely replacement is recommended to avoid these issues. Toyota's genuine parts warranty backs all genuine parts, including the Starter Housing Assembly (#28110-16020), providing an added level of assurance. A well-maintained Starter Housing Assembly (#28110-16020) contributes significantly to the overall efficiency of your car's Starter System, making it crucial to your vehicle's smooth operation.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 28110-01020
Part Number 28110-16020

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