Heater Control Housing

About this product

The Heater Control Housing (#55912-0C080) is a crucial electrical component within the Switch & Relay & Computer system of your Toyota car. This auto part manages the operation of your vehicle's heating system, directing heat to various parts of the car as needed. Its function involves a complex network of switches and circuits, and an issue in its performance can lead to problems in maintaining a comfortable interior temperature. As genuine Toyota parts, our Heater Control Housing (#55912-0C080)s are designed for optimal compatibility with your vehicle's system and are covered by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Nonetheless, just like any other part, they are not immune to wear and tear and may require replacement over time. If the Heater Control Housing (#55912-0C080) becomes old, clogged, or non-functional, the control of your vehicle's heating system could be compromised, possibly leading to an uncomfortable or even potentially unsafe driving environment. Replacing this part as needed contributes to the overall comfort, efficiency, and safety of your vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 55912-0C080

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