Steering Rack Housing Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Steering Rack Housing Sub-Assembly (#45501-12100) is a crucial Drive-Chassis component in the Front Steering Gear & Link system of a Toyota vehicle. This auto part's leading role is to encase and protect the steering rack and pinion, which are vital for the vehicle's steering system. As the vehicle operates, the Steering Rack Housing Sub-Assembly (#45501-12100) makes sure these components function smoothly and without contamination. However, over time this auto part can wear down or become clogged, impairing steering accuracy and potentially causing safety issues. For this reason, periodic replacement of the Steering Rack Housing Sub-Assembly (#45501-12100) with a genuine Toyota component is recommended. Genuine Toyota parts offer optimal compatibility and are backed by the robust Toyota genuine parts warranty. Overall, a functional Steering Rack Housing Sub-Assembly (#45501-12100) significantly contributes to safe and efficient vehicle operation.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 45501-12100

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