Switch Housing

About this product

The Switch Housing (#84319-02020), an essential electrical part in Toyota's Switch & Relay & Computer system, plays a principal role in housing and protecting various switches within the vehicle's system. This component ensures the switches' function by shielding them from dust, debris, or possible damage that may hinder their operation. As time passes, the Switch Housing (#84319-02020) may deteriorate, succumb to wear and tear, or get clogged. A non-operational or broken Switch Housing (#84319-02020) might lead to exposure of switches, causing potential system failures. Therefore, periodic replacement with genuine Toyota parts is vital for maintaining vehicle compatibility. Toyota's genuine parts come with a warranty, affording customers peace of mind. In essence, a fully functional Switch Housing (#84319-02020) aids in maintaining the efficacy and safety of the vehicle's switching system, contributing to overall vehicle performance.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 84319-02020

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