Magnet Hub Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Magnet Hub Sub-Assembly (#88403-16020), a crucial component under the Electrical part category, in the Heating & Air Conditioning - Compressor system, is primarily responsible for managing the electrical flow and enhancing the overall performance of your Toyota vehicle. This part functions by regulating the electrical current, ensuring optimal operation of the heating and air conditioning system. Just like any other part, it is necessary to replace the Magnet Hub Sub-Assembly (#88403-16020) periodically due to wear and tear. Failure to do so could impede the electrical current flow, causing the heating and air conditioning system to perform inefficiently or even fail. Genuine parts from Toyota, such as the Magnet Hub Sub-Assembly (#88403-16020), not only offer compatibility with your vehicle but also come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Ultimately, this part's proper functioning contributes significantly to the efficiency of the heating and air conditioning system, enhancing your driving comfort and safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 88403-16020

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