Ventilation And Air Conditioning Unit Heating

About this product

The Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Unit is a crucial electrical part within the Heating & Air Conditioning - Cooler Unit system of your Toyota vehicle. Its primary role is to regulate the internal temperature of the car, providing comfort to the passengers. It does this by transferring heat and humidity from the inside of the car to the outside, and vice versa, depending on the weather conditions. Components involved in its function include the blower motor, evaporator, and condenser among others. These parts require periodic replacement as an old, clogged or broken HVAC unit could compromise the temperature control, leading to discomfort, or more seriously, health risks due to extreme temperatures. Using genuine Toyota parts for replacement ensures compatibility with your vehicle and these parts come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The HVAC unit is essential for the overall efficiency of your car, ensuring temperature regulation for safety and comfort.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) SU003-01999
Part Number SU003-07633

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