Washer Inlet

About this product

The Washer Inlet (#85319-21031), an essential part of the Windshield Washer system in Toyota vehicles, plays a critical role in maintaining visibility. This electrical component is responsible for moderating the flow of water to the windshield, allowing the washer fluid to effectively clean the surface. Over time, the Washer Inlet (#85319-21031) might become clogged or malfunction due to wear and tear, impairing its capacity to control the water flow. Using genuine Toyota parts is beneficial as they are designed to be fully compatible with your vehicle and are accompanied by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. If the Washer Inlet (#85319-21031) becomes non-functional, it can negatively impact driver visibility, affecting the safety and efficiency of the vehicle. Therefore, periodic replacement of this part is advised to maintain optimal windshield cleanliness and vehicle safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 85319-21031

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