Instrument Panel Harness Usalhd

About this product

The Instrument Panel Harness Usalhd (#SU003-06868) is a vital Electrical part in Toyota's Wiring & Clamp system. This auto part plays a key role in the functionality of gauges and controls in the dashboard, enabling the transmission of electrical signals from various sensors to the car's electronics. Genuine Toyota parts are critical for vehicle compatibility and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time and with continuous use, the Instrument Panel Harness Usalhd (#SU003-06868) can wear out and may need replacing. A worn-out or damaged harness can lead to faulty readings on your instrument panel or even a complete failure of dashboard controls, potentially posing a safety risk. Regular replacement of this essential part helps maintain the accuracy of dashboard readings and the overall efficiency of your Toyota's electrical system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-06868

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