Exhaust Gas Regulation Cooler Insulator #2

About this product

The Exhaust Gas Regulation Cooler Insulator #2 (#25699-30010), an integral part of the Engine-Fuel category, plays a crucial role within the Exhaust Gas Recirculation System. This element's primary function is to shield the cooler from the high temperatures of the exhaust gases, ensuring optimal performance of the cooling process. It works in unison with the cooler, regulating the heat of the exhaust gases and mitigating any potential damage to the system. Over time, this insulator may degrade or break down, potentially hampering the cooler's functionality and leading to a decrease in the system's overall efficiency. Consequently, periodic replacement is paramount for maintaining system performance and avoiding costly repairs. With Toyota's genuine parts, not only is compatibility with your vehicle preserved, but it is also backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Exhaust Gas Regulation Cooler Insulator #2 (#25699-30010) directly contributes to the system's superior functioning, promoting enhanced fuel efficiency, and ensuring your vehicle's safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 25699-30010

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