Eng Mount Insulator

About this product

The Eng Mount Insulator (#12361-54143), a critical component in the Engine-Fuel category of Toyota's Mounting system, serves a vital role in minimizing the transmission of engine vibrations to the vehicle's chassis. Functioning as a buffer, it exists between the engine and the mounting frame, absorbing and dampening vibrations produced during the engine's operation. Over time, this part can wear out due to constant vibration and heat exposure, leading to increased engine movement and vibrations felt inside the vehicle. Utilizing genuine Toyota parts like the Eng Mount Insulator (#12361-54143) ensures optimal compatibility and performance, while also being supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Periodic replacement of this component is crucial as a worn or damaged insulator can lead to excessive engine vibration, affecting the vehicle's overall performance and driving comfort. In conclusion, the Eng Mount Insulator (#12361-54143) contributes significantly to the smooth, efficient operation and comfort of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 12361-54020;12361-54141;12361-54140;12361-54100;12361-54142
Part Number 12361-54143

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