Piping Insulator

About this product

The Piping Insulator (#88714-60280), a crucial component in the Heating & Air Conditioning - Cooler Piping system, carries the important role of insulating electrical connections. This Toyota Autoparts item functions by minimizing the heat transfer between electrical parts and the surrounding environment. In situations where the Piping Insulator (#88714-60280) becomes aged, blocked, or damaged, there is a potential risk of overheating and electrical failures. Regular replacement with genuine parts, which are specifically designed for vehicle compatibility, is essential. Genuine Toyota parts are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Notably, a functional Piping Insulator (#88714-60280) contributes to the overall efficiency and safety of the vehicle's electrical system, ensuring optimal performance and longevity.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 88714-60280

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