Spare Wheel Heat Insulator

About this product

The Spare Wheel Heat Insulator (#5192A-60010), a crucial component of Toyota's Floor Insulator system, plays a primary role in shielding the spare wheel from excessive heat. As your vehicle runs, the engine and exhaust system generate heat that can potentially damage the spare wheel. The heat insulator acts to reduce this exposure, effectively prolonging the life of the spare wheel. Over time, the insulation properties may degrade due to wear and tear, making it vital to replace this part periodically. A non-functional or worn-out insulator could expose the spare wheel to excessive heat, impacting its durability and performance. Opt for genuine Toyota parts for perfect compatibility with your vehicle, and be assured of quality as these parts are covered by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Spare Wheel Heat Insulator (#5192A-60010) not only preserves the integrity of the spare wheel but also enhances the overall safety and efficiency of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 5192A-60010

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