Steering Rack Boot Heat Insulator

About this product

The Steering Rack Boot Heat Insulator (#45529-WAA01), a key component in Toyota's Front Steering Gear & Link system, plays a crucial role in protecting the steering rack from excessive heat and friction. This drive-chassis part is specifically designed to insulate the steering rack boot, thereby maintaining optimal steering performance and extending the life of related components. However, over time, this insulator can wear out or get damaged. When this happens, the steering rack becomes vulnerable to overheating and wear, potentially compromising steering functionality. Therefore, routine replacement of the Steering Rack Boot Heat Insulator (#45529-WAA01) is highly recommended. Remember, genuine Toyota parts like this one are designed for perfect vehicle compatibility and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. When working properly, this part contributes significantly to the overall efficiency and safety of your Toyota vehicle's steering system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 45529-WAA01

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