Terminal Insulator

About this product

The Terminal Insulator (#27389-42010), an integral component of the Engine-Fuel part in Toyota's Alternator system, plays a key role in preventing electrical leakage between the alternator output terminal and its casing. This small but crucial auto part is paramount in maintaining the functionality and safety of the alternator system. The use of genuine Toyota parts, like the Terminal Insulator (#27389-42010), ensures optimal compatibility with your Toyota vehicle and comes backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, this component may wear down and could potentially create a short circuit, leading to alternator failure, or in worst cases, an electrical fire. Replacing the Terminal Insulator (#27389-42010) periodically is necessary to avoid such issues, contributing significantly to the overall efficiency and safety of your vehicle. Always opt for genuine Toyota parts to enhance your vehicle's performance and longevity.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 24389-42010;27389-0A020
Part Number 27389-42010

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