Insulator Tunnel

About this product

The Insulator Tunnel (#SU003-02956), an integral component in the Mat & Carpet system, plays a pivotal role in insulating and protecting the vehicle's undercarriage. As the vehicle is in operation, the Insulator Tunnel (#SU003-02956) shields the vehicle's interior from heat, noise, and debris. This is especially crucial in ensuring the comfort of the vehicle's occupants and protecting other vulnerable parts within the vehicle. Genuine Toyota parts, like this Insulator Tunnel (#SU003-02956), offer compatibility with your vehicle and come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. As this part ages, it can degrade, losing its ability to properly insulate. A worn-out Insulator Tunnel (#SU003-02956) may lead to unpleasant cabin noise and heat, affecting the overall driving experience. By regularly replacing this part, it contributes to maintaining the vehicle's comfort and safety, making every ride smooth and enjoyable.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-02956

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