Oil Jet

About this product

The Toyota Oil Jet (#13516-21011), a critical component in the Cylinder Block system of an engine, has the primary role of cooling and lubricating the pistons. It operates by spraying oil directly at the underside of the pistons, helping to keep temperature levels within safe limits and reducing friction. Failure to replace a worn or clogged Oil Jet (#13516-21011) can contribute to overheating, inadequate lubrication, and increased wear and tear on the engine. Therefore, it’s essential to prioritize its periodic replacement as part of your vehicle's routine maintenance. Genuine Toyota Oil Jet (#13516-21011)s are recommended for unparalleled compatibility with your vehicle. These are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, offering peace of mind. Ultimately, a high-performing Oil Jet (#13516-21011) greatly enhances the overall efficiency and safety of your engine system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 13516-21010
Part Number 13516-21011

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