
About this product

The Joint (#85376-50040), a crucial auto part in Toyota's Electrical Rear Washer and Electrical Windshield Washer systems, serves a major role in facilitating the flow of washer fluid. As fluid courses through these systems, the Joint (#85376-50040) allows for the seamless transfer, enabling effective operation. Genuine Toyota Joint (#85376-50040)s not only offer compatibility with your vehicle but also come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. However, like all parts, the Joint (#85376-50040) can become old, obstructed, or non-functional, and periodic replacement is necessary. A faulty Joint (#85376-50040) can impair the washer systems, limiting the fluid flow and compromising visibility—a critical safety aspect of driving. In essence, a fully functional Joint (#85376-50040) enhances the efficiency of the washer systems, contributing to the optimal performance of your Toyota vehicle and your overall driving safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 85376-50040

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