Rear Drive Shaft Inboard Joint Assembly

About this product

The Rear Drive Shaft Inboard Joint Assembly (#42360-42020), a part of the Rear Axle Shaft & Hub system, is integral to the functioning of your vehicle. Specifically, its primary role is to transfer torque and rotation from the transmission to the vehicle's wheels. It works in tandem with other parts in the Drive-Chassis to ensure smooth and efficient operation. Like any component, the Rear Drive Shaft Inboard Joint Assembly (#42360-42020) may wear out over time. If it becomes old, clogged, or broken, this can lead to impaired vehicle performance, or even a potential breakdown. Therefore, periodic replacement using genuine Toyota parts is necessary. Not only do these parts offer the best compatibility with your vehicle, but they also come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Rear Drive Shaft Inboard Joint Assembly (#42360-42020)'s proper function contributes greatly to overall system efficiency and vehicle safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 42360-42020

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