Three Way Joint

About this product

The Three Way Joint (#85378-33030), an essential electrical part in the Windshield Washer system, plays a key role in routing the washer fluid to the proper areas of the windshield. When activated, this component directs the fluid through the washer system, enabling the efficient and precise cleaning of the windshield. As with any auto part, this joint needs periodic replacement to maintain optimal performance. A faulty or aged Three Way Joint (#85378-33030) can impede the fluid flow, compromising the system's ability to clean the windshield effectively. Genuine Toyota parts, like the Three Way Joint (#85378-33030), are designed specifically for Toyota vehicles, enhancing compatibility and performance. Moreover, these authentic parts are protected by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Three Way Joint (#85378-33030) directly contributes to driver safety by facilitating a clear, unobstructed view through the windshield, thus enhancing overall vehicle performance.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 85378-06010
Part Number 85378-33030

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