Washer Joint F

About this product

The Washer Joint F (#85385-26040), an integral electrical component in the Toyota Rear Washer system, operates by controlling the flow of washer fluid to the rear window, providing clear visibility. As the vehicle runs, the Washer Joint F (#85385-26040) channels fluid from the reservoir to the washer nozzle. This functionality is essential, and over time, it may need replacement. Aging Washer Joint F (#85385-26040)s can become clogged or cease to function, obstructing washer fluid flow, and impairing visibility. Genuine Toyota parts maintain vehicle compatibility, backed by Toyota’s genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, the Washer Joint F (#85385-26040)'s efficient operation contributes to the overall safety by ensuring optimal rear visibility, proving that even the smallest parts can play a critical role in Toyota vehicles.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 85385-26040

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