Washer Joint Front

About this product

The Washer Joint F (#85385-48320), a crucial component for Toyota's Electrical Rear Washer and Windshield Washer systems, primarily regulates the fluid flow, ensuring the smooth operation of these systems. As the system is activated, the Washer Joint F (#85385-48320) directs the washer fluid to the necessary areas, supporting the efficient removal of dirt and debris from your vehicle's rear and windshield. Over time, this part may wear down or become clogged, affecting its performance. This could lead to inadequate fluid flow, hampering the cleanliness and visibility through your windshield or rear window. Regular replacement of the Washer Joint F (#85385-48320) is therefore essential to maintain optimal operation of your washer systems. When choosing a replacement, genuine Toyota parts offer compatibility with your vehicle and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In turn, a functioning Washer Joint F (#85385-48320) contributes to safe and efficient vehicle operation, as it aids in maintaining clear visibility.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 85375-0R110
Part Number 85385-48320

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