Washer Joint G

About this product

The Toyota Washer Joint G (#85395-42020) is a critical electrical component within the Rear Washer system. This auto part functions as a nexus, facilitating the flow of electricity within the system while the car is in operation. Genuine Toyota parts like the Washer Joint G (#85395-42020) are key for vehicle compatibility and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Should the Washer Joint G (#85395-42020) become aged, clogged, or non-functional, the flow of electricity could be compromised, impacting the operational efficiency of the Rear Washer system. Regular replacement of this part is necessary to maintain optimal function of the Rear Washer system. Ultimately, the Washer Joint G (#85395-42020) plays a vital role in the safety and efficiency of the Rear Washer system, ensuring a clear, unhindered view through the rear window for drivers.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 85395-42020

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